SOHAM GROUPS Architect & Engineer
www.sohamgroups.com, soham80@gmail.com
Building contactor-Developer & colonizer
9414827908, 91-9649298995
K.N.Nagar(D.C)A-1 Jodhpur
Planning/Design works
- "YOUR IDEA" we can transform to "REALITY"
- Well experienced architects and staff can help you build your dream home-Construction for OFFICE, BUILDING, RESIDENTIAL HOUSE, BUSINESS, RESTAURANT, SCHOOL, HOSPITAL ETC.
Interior Design & Architectural services at your reach by professionals in the field in Residential, Commercial, Office buildings, Hotels & Resorts sectors worldwide.
1. Architect& Engineer-RCC designer, Estimate & valuation- building modling land surveying
2. Interior designer & decorator- ceiling& floor designs, (drawing room, bed, lobby, kitchen, puja & bath room) designs
3. Land escaping plasters Paris designs &Vastu consultant
4. Consultant Property-investment& finance
Planning/Design works
1. Proposal layout of floor plans