Displaying 27 Results for College in Patna
Amity Global Business School
Education College MBA
09939408457 Amity Global Business School Amity Tower Dak Bangla Chowk Patna-800 001Shanti Sewa Samiti's Indian Institute of Hotel Management
Education College Hotel Management
11, I.A.S. Colony, Kidwaipuri, Patna 800001 BiharMaulana Azad College of Engineering and Technology
Education College Engineering
0612-2235458, 2670328 Anisabad PatnaGovernment Polytechnic
Education College Engineering
GovernmentPolytechnic (AICTE Approved) , Patna - 800 007. (Bihar)Government Women's Polytechnic
Education College Engineering
Government Women's Polytechnic (AICTE Approved) , Patna - 800 013. (Bihar)National Institute of Technology
Education College Engineering
+91-612-2670631 National Institute of Technology, Patna Ashok Rajpath, Patna, Bihar