Displaying 158 Results for College in Jammu and Kashmir
Bhartiya College of Education
Education College B-Ed
9419151226, 01992-272114 Ms. Madhu Sharma, Bhartiya College of Education, JammuSurya College of Education
Education College B-Ed
9419151884, 01922-203612 Sh. Surjit Singh Jamwal, Surya College of Education, JammuSaraswati College of Education
Education College B-Ed
9419184111, 0191-233733 Sh. Rajesh Sharma, Saraswati College of Education, JammuHill People College of Education
Education College B-Ed
9419180906, 0191-2623655 Mr. Khalid Jhangir Malik, Hill People College of Education, JammuSacred Head College of Education
Education College B-Ed
9419145279, 0191-2596045 Smt. Rajni Bala, Sacred Head College of Education, JammuBeacon College of Education
Education College B-Ed
9419112353, 0191-2623100 Smt. Nirmal Sharma, Beacon College of Education, JammuBhai Beer Singh College of Education
Education College B-Ed
9419197619 S. I. P. S. Bali, Bhai Beer Singh College of Education, JammuBhagat Kabir College of Education
Education College B-Ed
01922-203717 Captain S. S. Soodan, Bhagat Kabir College of Education, JammuDurga College of Education for Women
Education College B-Ed
9419145879, 01991-233733 Sh. Brij Moha Sharma, Durga College of Education for Women, JammuJan College of Education
Education College B-Ed
9419128186, 0191-2623716 Sh. Azaz Ahmed Jan, Jan College of Education, Jammu