Displaying 96 Results for College in Jammu
Adarsh College of Education
Education College B-Ed
9419182014, 01923-211780 Sh. A. K. Kapoor, Adarsh College of Education, JammuTariq College of Education
Education College B-Ed
9419170424, 01962-264273 Sh. M. S. Tariq, Tariq College of Education, JammuNew Millennium National College of Education
Education College B-Ed
9419188986, 0191-2545433 Sh. Ram Paul, New Millennium National College of Education, JammuSher-e-Kashmir College of Education
Education College B-Ed
9419131750, 0191-2263462 Mrs. Narinder Kaur, Sher-e-Kashmir College of Education, JammuNational College of Education
Education College B-Ed
0191-2604464, 0191-2604032 Sh. Vidhi Singh, National College of Education, JammuCalliope College of Education
Education College B-Ed
9419185181, 0191-2431356 Er. Manish Suri, Calliope College of Education, JammuNew Gandhi Memorial College of Education
Education College B-Ed
9419135047, 01923-263083 Sh. Sushil Mahajan, New Gandhi Memorial College of Education,Swami Vishwatamanand Saraswatl College of Education
Education College B-Ed
01960-234952 Shri Swami Vishwatmananad Saraswati, Swami Vishwatamanand Saraswatl College of Education, Sundarbani, JammuAtman College of Education
Education College B-Ed
9419197503, 0191-2481971 Sh. Sanjay Mahajan, Atman College of Education, JammuIslamia Faridiya College of Education
Education College B-Ed
9419554422, 01995-260140 Sh. Tanveer Ahamed Kichloo, Islamia Faridiya College of Education, Jammu