Displaying 369 Results for College in Orissa
Institute of Mgmt & Information Science, Bhubaneswar
Education College MBA
0674-2435697, 2433762, 2431953 Vivekananda Marg, Bhubaneswar-751002, Orissa, India Fax: 0674-2433932International Institute for Learning in Management...
Education College MBA
09437163325 Plot No:122,Surya Nagar,Unit 7 Bhubaneswar-751003.Bhavan Center for Communication and Management
Pleas write about the campus facility of the college.
Education College MBA
+91-674- 2535727, 2394908, 2532577, Fax: +91-674- 2530428, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bhubaneswar Kendra, (BCCM) 9, Kharavel Nagar (Behind Keshari Cinema & RBI) Unit - III, Bhubaneswar, OrissaBhubaneswar Institute of Management & Information...
Education College MBA
+91-674-2580771, Fax: +91-674-2582001 Prasnagarbha, Plot no: s-3/68, 69 & 83, Sector-A, Zone-B, Mancheswar Industrial Estate, Bhubaneswar, Orissa-751010ICFAI Business School
Education College MBA
0674- 2585593 A-123, Zone -A, Sector-A Mancheswar Industrial Estate Mancheswar Bhubanwswar - 751010 Phone: 0674- 2585593/594, 2585557 (Dean) Fax: 0674-2537611 Email: ibsbhub@ibsindia.orgAsian Workers Development Institute
Education College MBA
0661-2640116/2642274 Bastia Smrurti Sadan, Sector-6,Rourkela-769002 Website-www.awdi_bmt.orgGlobal Institute Of Management
Education College MBA
Hanspal,Naharkanta,Via-Balianta,Bhubaneswar, Orissa-752101IBAT School Of Management
Education College MBA
0674-2741389/2741998 Kalinga Insitute Of Industrial Technology,Deemed University, Bhubaneswar-751024ICFAI Business School
Education College MBA
0674-2537610/610/611/612 A-123,Industrial Estate, Mancheswar,Bhubaneswar-751010