6 Acres of agricultural land at Kamatta , Mangalapadavu , Vittal Mangalore
Classified Real Estate (Sale)
Immediate Sale
Agents are invited 6 Acres of agricultural land at Kamatta , Mangalapadavu
, Vittal Mangalore 3km from CENTRAL PLANTATION RESEARCH INSTITUTE, vittal, district DK Mangalore; with clear title, for sale. Contains Arica nut and Coconut plantation. 3phase electric connection on all important locations and bore well. Can be used for housing and industrial purpose, diary farm poultry farm etc. Portion of the land can be used for water bottling plant as plentiful potable water is available at the site all year round.can be sold as 1 acre plots.
Interested persons may contact:-
Kanada & tulu speaking :-
Victor 9448441310 (vittal)
Khader :- 9611029090(vittal)
Seen anna :- 9980439545
Mohan das :-9972376056