Buy 2BHK Artha Meadows(Villas)@ GST Road, Chennai South@ Rs.33Lacs
Classified Real Estate (Sale)
Its quite an astonishing fact that most people can spend as much as 3/4th of their working lives making the money to acquire a space to call one's own. Buying a home in a metropolitan city like Chennai can be even more daunting. Thats where Artha Meadows comes in - the ideal opportunity for prospective home buyers looking for that unbelievable deal on a home. Located in an up and coming community off GST Road; away from the bustle of the main city with all the amenities of living within a gated community, the villas come in 6 different types within 7.5 acres of lush landscaped area. Artha Meadows offers 6 different types of Villa layouts - 2,3 and 4 BHK - ranging in size from 1,010 sq.ft all the way to 2,300 sq.ft. Being well spaced out, the houses truly offer privacy within a gated community. <br />
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With unparalleled connectivity, great amenities and a great deal of open space - it offers that most elusive of modern intangibles - peace of mind Key Distances: <br />
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Enquire@ 044-43906471