The school was started in August 1982 under an agreement between the Tamil Nadu Arya samaj Educational Society, Chennai and the Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Ranipet. It is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. The school is primarily intended for the benefit of the children of BHEL Employees. Due to the persistent demand from Non-BHEL residents of this area, the admission facility is extended to their children subject to the availability of seats.
The school is situated in an ideal place with impressive double storied buildings and spacious play grounds. It has well equipped laboratories, a library cum reading room, a Work Experience workshop in electronics and an art section. Computer literacy drive has been launched for classes V, VI, VII, VIII and IX in the school.
The school is situated in an ideal place with impressive double storied buildings and spacious play grounds. It has well equipped laboratories, a library cum reading room, a Work Experience workshop in electronics and an art section. Computer literacy drive has been launched for classes V, VI, VII, VIII and IX in the school.