Regrowing of thick hair on Bald head, Removal of Heart blocks by oral medicines, re-making of hymen
Health care Doctor General Physician
+91 99 47 47 0001
Ac-Cure Health Care,Painkulam Road, Cheruthuruthy PO, Thrissur Dist, Kerala, India
Regrowing of thick hair on Bald head, Removal of Heart blocks by oral medicines (except cases which are adviced surgery within three weeks),Permanent cure of Male sexual problems(erection,timing etc,.) with no side effects,Complete cure from Psychological-Psychosomatic problems,Repairing of post-marital damages of female body(re-making of hymen etc,.), are possible? 100% Yes! with money back guarantee !!!
For more details contact
Dr.Rasheed Hussain.T, MBBS,MD,DOM,D Ac, specialist in Orthomolecular medicine and Ethno medicine.
Mobile: +91 99 47 47 0001
For more details contact
Dr.Rasheed Hussain.T, MBBS,MD,DOM,D Ac, specialist in Orthomolecular medicine and Ethno medicine.
Mobile: +91 99 47 47 0001