Displaying 12645 Results for College in India
Mohal Lal Uppal D.A.V.College
Education College B-Ed
O-1824-275281, 275045, Fax- 01824-229300 Mohal Lal Uppal D.A.V.College PhagwaraGRD College for Women
Education College B-Ed
O-01824-228862, Fax- 01824-229300 GRD College for Women PhagwaraG.N. College
Education College B-Ed
M-94171-44849, +91-1824-270214 G.N. College Sukhchainana Sahib (Phagwara)GNBL Ramgarhia College for Women
Education College B-Ed
O-01824-228508 GNBL Ramgarhia College for Women, PhagwaraRamgarhia College of Education
Education College B-Ed
O-01824-260448 Ramgarhia College of Education PhagwaraKamla Nehru College for Women- Phagwara
Education College B-Ed
M-98155-72823, O-01824-228229, 228137 Kamla Nehru College for Women PhagwaraKundal Lal Goyal MDSD College for women
Education College B-Ed
O-01822-396032, M- 9815934422 Kundal Lal Goyal MDSD College for women, Kamra Garden, Kapurthala.GN Navbharat College
Education College B-Ed
O-01824-243031, M- 9815934422 Narur Panchhat (Kapurthala) Off:- S. Jasbir Singh S/o ,VPO Panchhat, Teh. Phagwara Distt. KapurthalaGN Prem Karamsar College
Education College B-Ed
M: 98154-67067, M- 9815934422 GN Prem Karamsar College Nadala (Kapurthala)Govt. College Bholath (Kapurthala)
Education College B-Ed
M-9417167126, O-01822-244860 Govt. College Bholath (Kapurthala)