Displaying 6 Results for College in Nampally
S.N. Vanitha Maha Vidyalaya Degree College For Women
Education College Arts and Science
+(91)-(40)-24603266, +(91)-(40)-24735336 Exibition Grounds, Nampally, Hyderabad - 500001New Horizon Degree College
Education College Arts and Science
+(91)-(40)-23200935,66621911,23813974,23204087, +(91)-9346239225,9866267396,9390045949,9866860392 5-8-322/14 Umabag, Behind Harsha Hotel, Nampally, Hyderabad - 500001Sarojini Naidu Vanitha Pharmacy Mahavidhyalaya
Education College University College
exhibition grounds, nampallyIndira Priyadarshini Govt.Degree Colleg for Women
Education College Other
HYDERABAD. DIST.:Hyderabad ANDHRA PRADESHMedwin College of Nursing
Education College Nursing
Medwin Hospital, Ist Floor, RR Tower Nampally, Hyderabad (A.P.)Deccan College of Engineering and Technology
Education College Engineering
+91- 40- 24802634 Deccan College of Engineering and Technology Dar-Us-Salam, Nampally, Hyderabad -500001, Andhra Pradesh Telephone: +91- 40- 24802634, Fax: +91- 40- 24802634Page of 1