Displaying 21 Results for College near around Domjur
International Institute of Management Science
Education College MBA
International Institute of Management Science NH - 6, Bombay Road Palara (Opp. Bisk Farm) P.O - Mahisrekha, Uluberia, HowrahM.C.K.V.Institute Of Engineering
Education College Engineering
033 2654 9315, 033 2654 9317 243,G.T.Road(North), Liluah Howrah 711204, West BengalBengal Engineering and Science University
Education College Engineering
+91 033 2668 4561-63, +91 033 2668 4561 (Ext. No. - 250) P.O. - Botanic Garden Howrah. Pin - 711103. West Bengal IndiaCalcutta Institute of Technology
Education College Engineering
STD Code:033, Tel:26612096, Fax:26610736. Banitabla, Uluberia, Howrah-711316, Village:Banitabla, District:Howrah, Pin:711316, State:West Bengal,Bengal Engineering College, Howrah
Education College Engineering
+91 033 2668 4561-63 Bengal Engineering And Science University, Shibpur P.O. - Botanic Garden Howrah. Pin - 711103. West Bengal India Fax : 033-6604564-6602916MCKV Institute of Engineering
Education College Engineering
(+91) 033-654-9315/17 MCKV Institute of Engineering 243, G. T. Road, (N) Liluah, Howrah West BengalRamkrishna Mission Shilpamandir
Education College Engineering
Ramkrishna Mission Shilpamandir (AICTE Approved) 7, Rajkrishna Kumar Street P.O. Belumath, Belur 711 202, HowrahBengall Engineering College Boranic Garden,
Education College Engineering
Bengall Engineering College Boranic Garden, Shibpore, Howrah West Bengal