Kaithal district General information

Kaithal district is one of the districts of the state of Haryana with its headquarters at Kaithal town. Kaithal was earlier a part of district Karnal and in 1973 became part of the newly created district of Kurukshetra. Kaithal became a new district on 1st November, 1989. Other smaller towns are Guhla, Pundri and Cheeka. The total area of Kaithal district is 2,389 sq km and its population is 8,20,000.


Kaithal is said to have been founded by Yudhisthira, a Pandava king in the ancient epic poem the Mahabharata, Kaithal was later a Muslim cultural centre. In 1767 it fell into the hands of the Sikh chieftain, Bhai Desu Singh, whose descendants, the bhais of Kaithal, ranked among the most powerful Cis-Sutlej states. Their territories lapsed to the British in 1843. There is a large bathing tank (reservoir) and tombs of several saints dating from the 13th century AD. An agricultural market centre, it was constituted a municipality in 1867. Industries include cotton ginning, saltpetre refining, and metalwork, pottery, and lacquered woodwork manufacture. Kaithal houses several colleges affiliated with Kurukshetra University.

Pehowa town lies 27 km west of Thanesar . The town finds mention in the Vaman Puran and the epic of Mahabhartha. Site is famous for prayer that grants salavation.

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