Bid district General information
Beed or Bid is an administrative district in the state of Maharashtra in India. The district headquarters are located at Beed. The district occupies an area of 10,693 km² and has a population of 2,161,250 of which 17.91% were urban (as of 2001)
Beed district has a long history of many rulers and kingdoms. In the ancient era, this city was called as "Champavati nagari". The city still proudly shows some old monuments showing the signs of past glory in the form of many city entry doors (called Ves in local language) and city protection walls. Until the 19th century, this part of Marathwada was under the NIZAM monarchy, but was later included into the Indian Republic after a fierce struggle between Indian freedom fighters and Nizam soldiers. As per Dr. Satish Salunke the name of Bhir is given by Mohmaa
Beed District is situated at the Central West of the Aurangabad. It is between 18.28 and 19.28 longitudinally and between 74.54 and 76.57 longitudinally. It is surrounded by Aurangabad and Jalna in the North, Parbhani and Latur in the East, Ahmednagar and Osmanabad in the South and Ahmednagar in the West. Godavari is the most significant river that flows on the borderline of Georai and Majalgaon Tehsils.
Beed is situated in the Deecan black basalt stone, ranges of Balaghat that constitutes main range from Ahmednagar in the west, to the border of district Beed in the East. This range divides the district into two parts. The plain area in the North is called as Gangathadi (bank of Ganga-Godavari) and the higher part is called as Ghat at Balaghat. Many hills exceed 2500 feet mark from the sea-level Balaghat range is between heights of 2000 and 2200 feet, whereas the plains called Gangathadi have the heights between 1200 and 1500 feet from the sea-level. The height of Ashti Tehsil is between 1750 and 2000 feet from the sea-level. The slope of Ashti Tehsil is in the Southern direction.
The total area of Beed district is 10615.3 Sq.Kms and it is 3.44% of Maharashtra State. Further division of area is 234.9 Sq.Kms (2.2%) in Urban parts and 10380.4 Sq.Kms i.e. 97.79% in rural area. For administrative purpose two parts have been formed. One section is at Beed and it includes 1)Beed, 2)Georai, 3)Patoda, 4)Ashti, 5)Shirur(Kasar) Tehsils while other section is Ambajogai that includes 1)Ambajogai, 2)Kaij, 3)Majalgaon, 4)Dharur, 5)Parli(V), 6)Wadwani Tehsils. There are special Deputy Collector offices in these in these two sections. There are 11 Tehsils and excluding urban area, there are 11 Panchayat Samities. At Beed Zilla Parishad governs all these 11 Panchayat Samities.
There are 1365 villages as per the census report of 2001. Out of total 1019 Gram Panchayats (village Panchayats), 833 had independent while 186 are group-gram-panchayats. There are A-class Nagar Parishads in Beed-Town, B-class in Parli Vaijnath and Ambajogai and C-class in Dharur, Georai and Majalgaon out of total 6 Nagar-Parishads. There are 8 Market Committees each one at Beed, Georai, Majalgaon, Kaij, Patoda, Ashti and Parli.
Most of the land of the district is full of rocks and thin layers of Soil except Georai and Majalgaon where the land consists of rich fertile black Cotton soil. On the banks of Sindaphana river and in some parts of Ashti, Beed, Kaij and Ambajogai there are few strips of black rich land but in Patoda, the total land is rocky and thin- layered. Most of the land in the district is like it except the river belts of Godavari, Sindaphana, there is scarcely any rich fertile soil in the district.
River Godavari is the most important river. Other rivers in the district are Sindaphana, Manjara, Bandsura and Van. The other minor streams are Talwar, Kambli, Ruti and Mehkari. Most of three rivers are dry in summer. They flow in summer only if rain is adequate or more than enough.
There are three changes in climate. It is hot from June to September but due to rains it is at times cold. From October to February the climate is cold and dry. Cold wave occur at times between November and January. In general, the climate is pleasant and encouraging.
The temperature was minimum 12.0 Celsius and maximum 39.6 Celsius in the year 1997. At present it reaches 40 to 45 Celsius in searching summer.
The main business in the district is agriculture but adequate and timely rain rarely occur, consequently there is at times a scarcity period as most of the agriculture depends on the rain. The monsoon generally starts in the 2nd week of June and continues up to the end of the September. The range of monsoon is between 458 mm and 814 mm.
As per census 2001, the population of the district is 21.60 lakh. In comparison to census 1991, the annual increase in the population has been 185 per thousand (18.5%). According to census 2001 the talukawise percentage is Beed-18.21%, Georai – 12.9%, Majalgaon – 9.95%, Ambajogai – 10.90%, Kaij – 10.49%, Patoda – 4.43%, Ashti – 9.56%, Dharur – 2.88%, Parli(V) – 10.91%, Wadwani – 5.78% and Shirur(Kasar) – 4.88%.
The area of Beed is 3.45% of the state as per 1991 census and the population of the district was 2.23% of the state. As per 2001 census, the population per Sq.Km.. in Beed district is 203 where as that of state is 318. The population in rural area is 171 per Sq.Km.. But in urban area is 1646 per Sq.Km.. In urban area, the most dense area is Beed town with density 16637 per Sq.Km.. While the lowest density is in Georai 544 per Sq.Km.. In the rural area the density of Beed Tehsil 170 per Sq.Km.. Where as the lowest one is in Patoda 72 per Sq.Km..