Kolhapur district General information

Kolhapur district is the southernmost district of Maharashtra. Its headquarter is Kolhapur City which is an ancient city. The city is situated on the banks of river Panchganga and is known as 'Dakshin Kashi'. Kolhapur is seat of Goddess Mahalaxmi and is one of the Shaktipeeths mentioned in Indian mythology. Kolhapur was ruled by Silaharas, Yadavas, Rashtrakutas and Chalukyas in the Medieval times.

The growth of district in modern times is fascinating. Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaja is an architect and founder of modern Kolhapur. The district is abundant in natural resources- water, soil, natural vegetation, animal wealth and minerals. As a result, Kolhapur is one of the most agriculturally advanced districts of not only Maharashtra but also India. It is fast becoming an industrialised district as well and already a front runner in agro-based industries. Kolhapur District is one of the shining examples in the Co-operative Movement of India. No doubt, the district has the highest per capita income in the Maharashtra State and one of the highest in the country.

Kolhapur has a distinct culture developed as a result of rich history and its quality of people who have been front-runners in various fields. Kolhapur is famous in the country for production of Jaggery, Kolhapur Chappals, silver jewelry, and Indian Wrestling.  


    *  The total population   of   the   district   is   3515,413.

    *    The geographical area   of   the   district  is   7685 Sq.Kms.

    *   The population density   of the district   is   457   persons   per   square   kilometers. The urban   density is 1804 and the    rural density is 327.

    *   29.65 percent population of the district lives in urban areas. There is an increase of  3.32 percent    compared to 1991    urban population.

    *    The annual population growth rate in last decade ( 1991-2001) is 1.76   The   urban   annual    growth rate is 3.24 and for rural it is 1.23.

    *   The sex ratio   of  Kolhapur  district  is  949.  Urban  sex  ratio  is  918  and  rural  sex  ratio  is   962.

    *   The  average literacy in   Kolhapur   district   is   77.23   percent. Urban   literacy   is   86.13   percent and rural literacy is 73.41 percent.

    *   The   female literacy   in   the   district   is   66.38   percent   and   this   increase  is  13.3   percent compared to the last decade.

    *   There is 10.29 percent increase in average literacy of the district over last decade.

    *   12.49 percent population of the district is in the age-group of 0-6.

    *  The SC population of the district is 12.75 percent and ST population is only 0.49 percent.

    * 65  percent population of the  district is  engaged  in primary  sector, 17 percent in  secondary and 18  percent in service sector. Occupational  Distribution of Population

Tourist Place

Mahalaxmi Temple
New Palace
Panhala Fort & Hill Station
Rankala Lake
Holy Jotiba Hill
Shalini Palace
Vishalgad Fort  Kotiteertha 
Goddess Tryambuli Temple
Bhavani Mandap
Dajipur Abhayaryana  
Town Hall        
Holy-place Bahubali
Shivaji Vidyapeeth     
Katyani Devi Temple        
Kashi Vishveshawar Temple        
Holy Khidrapur (Kopeshwar)          
Kaneri Cloister         
Shankaracharya's Cloister          

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