Jagatsinghapur district General information

Jagatsingpur got the recgnition of a district on 1st April 1994, which is situated at a distance of 60 kms. from Cuttack. Jagtsingpur district has made Orissa's literature and culture brigh There exists Paradeep Port and fertilizer factory in this district.alika, Biluakhai, Kusumi, Kuanria and Lunijhara rivers belong to this district.

Tourist Place

Garh Kujanga, Jagatsinghpur, Jhankad, Paradeep and Paradeep Garh are some of the visiting places of this district.

Paradeep Port : It is the largest port of Orissa.

Sarala Temple : It is a famous temple of Jagatsingpur district where Goddess Saraswati is worshiped as Maa Sarala . Siddheswar Parida was changed to Adikabi Sarala Das due to the blessings of goddess Sarala. It is at a distance of 15km from Jagatsinghpur town.

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