Kanpur Dehat district General information
Kanpur Dehat District, also called Akbarpur District, is a district of Uttar Pradesh state in northern India. The administrative headquarters of the district are at Akbarpur.
Name Kanpur is a transformed version of its original name Kanhapur given by the two rulers Hindu Singh of Sachendi and Ghanshyam Singh of Ramaipur. The british ruler Hobson Johnson found the word difficult to pronounce and he changed it to Cawnpore. Later it came close to its name as Kanpur. The independent emergence of its new district recorded historical pangs.
* Kanpur Divided into two district namely Kanpur-nagar and Kanpur-Dehat in year 1977.
* Reunited again in year 1979.
* Again seperated in year 1981.
* The decision of establishing the District Headquarters in in Akbarpur(MATI)
* Still the administrative headquarters is in Kanpur Nagar
Kanpur Dehat has 05 Tehsils and 10 Development Blocks. There are 102 Nyay Panchayats and 613 Gram Sabhas in this district.'
* Geographic Features : 26N to 25 55'N latitude : 79"30'E to 80"E Longitude
* River Yamuna divides Kanpur-Dehat and Jalaun.
* Area of 3134.95 Sq.Kms.
* Rivers in Kanpur-Dehat -> Isan, 16 Kms;Southern None,26; Northern None, 55 Kms;Sengur, 63 Kms;Pandu, 30 Kms; Rind, 115 Kms.
Kanpur Dehat physical parameters are
o Longitude - 26 degree 20 minutes & 38 Seconds.
o Latitude - 79 degree 58 minutes & 2 Seconds.
o AMSL - 471 feets
Kanpur Dehat has literacy rate of 50.9% as per 1991 census. It is 9.3% higher than that of the State. Still half of the population in district is illiterate. A comparative picture between literacy figures of the district and State is given in the following table.
Literacy rate of Kanpur Dehat is 50.9%. Four blocks viz., Amraudha, Malasa, Akbarpur and Kakavan are below the average of the district. While literacy in blocks Rasulabad, Jhinjhak, Malasa, Sandalpur, Derapur, Sarvankhera and Rajpur is above the average. Average literacy rate in girls of the district is 34.86. Amraudha, Malasa, Kakvan, Akbarpur and Rajpur blocks are below the average regarding girls literacy.
The population of the restructured district, as per 1991 census was 13.03 lacs. With current growth rate @ 2.2% per annum, the district population is expected to grow to around 18.00 lacs by year 2005 and 20.11 lacs by 2010. The special emphasis on basic minimum services and an empowerment of women in the Ninth Plan may lead to fall in the growth rate of population from 2.2% to 1.5%. The plan further launches intensive drive to promote health education, particularly in female planning, so that national objectives are met.
For the development of medical , health & family planning services in Kanpur Dehat , strategies are to be worked out to meet basic minimum need of the population keeping in view its growth. As per the norms, there should be one sub-centre at the population of 5000 and one Public Health Centre(PHC) at the population of 30,000.
There were 622328 workers according to 1991 census in the district. It is 29% of the entire population. There were 580168 male and 42160 female workers. Female workers are 6.8%.
83% work force depends upon Agriculture. Remaining 1% are engaged in cottage or household industries. It hardly needs repetition that only 29% of population is chiefly work force.The logical derivative is that 70.9% population thrives on the income of the limited workers. This also indicates the people living under poverty line.
Kakwan and Sarvankhera blocks rate high in crop density , while Rasulabad, Sandalpur, Derapur rate low in this regard. Main reasons for low cultivation in these blocks are uneven lands and lack of sources of irrigation. Derapur and Sandalpur do well in cash crops, while other blocks do not do so well. Derapur and Jhinjhak rank high from the angle of reported net sown areas, Kakvan and Maitha blocks rank low. Blocks Malasa, Amraudha,Sandalpur and Derapur respectively are counted in developed category regarding cultivation per farmer, while blocks Kakvan and Maitha come in under developed category.